Our Services

.: Soil Mechanics Expert Reports

Many people believe that building begins with the foundation works. This is true for the construction work itself, but prior to that it is advisable to have some investigations done which will explore the subsoil. This can save everybody a lot of trouble and expenses later on. There are constructions projects in the cases of which the preparation of a soil mechanics expert's report is also needed besides the architectural and structural plans to obtain the building permit. In our experience, having an expert report prepared can save a lot of money in a particular case, even if the investigation reveals poor soil conditions. In such cases, without detailed soil mechanics it is not possible to design economical foundations. Since the cost of deep foundations is much higher than the cost of shallow foundations, it is important whether we manage to find the most economical solution or not.

When purchasing a plot of land, few think about what lies beneath the surface. It is extremely annoying to learn of unfavourable soil conditions after buying an expensive site. In our experience, there are more and more building sites on which there is a thick filling in (even out of building rubble!) or where the upper layers are unsuitable for foundations. In such cases, the cost of the prepared soil mechanics expert report is negligible to the likely extra foundation costs.

Unfortunately it happens that our buildings get damaged. These damages can often be traced back to problems related to soil mechanics. The analysis of these, in every case, requires great caution and the performance of the appropriate examinations. In such cases, foundation exploration, test pit making, or settlement measurement could also be necessary besides soil exploration.

Our company will prepare for you the soil mechanics expert report, which is required for a building permit or helps with the purchase of a building site and the preparation of the foundation plans.

Our soil examination methods:

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